How does he stay sane?

DD spends most of his life on planes at the moment.

He arrived home from Korea and Japan on Friday then flew out to China last night.

I don’t know how he does it, although it’s a respite from the other thing he spends most of his life doing – being on teleconference calls.

I don’t know how he does that either.

Last week one of his days started with a meeting at 7am and continued relentlessly until 9.30pm, then he was up at 5am the next morning to catch another flight.


I would hate all the business travelling and listening and talking and schmoozing.

I go stir-crazy on planes and talking on the phone is my idea of hell.

I sounded like a total loony when I was telling the cabbie on my way home from Australia’s Wine List of the Year Awards last night why I drive to ranks to catch cabs rather than call them to my house.

I’m fairly certain it’s because calling a cab to my house would involve talking on the phone … Yes, I know that’s ridiculous.

Anyways, Australia’s Wine List of the Year Awards was very fabulous and Jonah’s won the top award. I felt quite sentimental about the win, since I took DD there for dinner once when I was a travel writer and introduced him to delicious Charles Melton Rose of Virginia Rose as we watched the sunset over the ocean.

He loved it when I was a travel writer.

We had the nicest night at Jonah’s, it was very luxe and romantic … and free.

DD will land in Hong Kong (briefly) any minute now and text to let me know he’s OK. I miss him already – he’s an excellent hugger, life isn’t quite the same without his hugs.

I don’t know how he stays so sane and calm in the relentless whirl that is his life.

Here are some snaps from yesterday, with explanatory captions:


Song of the day: Robbie Williams “Feel”




2 thoughts on “How does he stay sane?

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  1. Hahahah…I seem to recall you were hugs-aversive at one time, along with an aversion to coffee and swimming!
    Delighted to hear how times have changed since DD showed you a new path! 👍

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