Chickened out

It's a bit sad (as in pathetic) how much I'm enjoying the supermarket. Today's highlight: chatting to the Changeling's mother (aka my neighbour). After hazily recognising each other from the almost-reversing-over-her-toddler-in-the-driveway incident last week, we struck up a conversation in the fruit and veg department. She seems very nice. Her name is Georgie (must remember: Georgie, Georgie, Georgie).... Continue Reading →

Sooooo NOT neighbourly

I am officially old and cranky. Arrived home at 9pm last night after dinner with friends to hear a MASSIVE party over the back fence. I'm talking music so loud the whole street sounded like one big rave. They must have hired industrial speakers. And put them outside, on their deck. Husband immediately took off to the late-night chemist... Continue Reading →

Not neighbourly

Husband and I have been speculating about whether the Sprog next door is a changeling. It NEVER grows up - it's a permanent baby. It's all squishy and puggle-like and it's been doing that in-the-middle-of-the-night crying thing FOREVER. Very spooky. Well, it was until I saw the mother this afternoon, carrying a baby while a... Continue Reading →

Eating worms

I'm having a "nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I think I'll go eat worms" kind of week (see below for full rhyme) This means I'm not just fat, I'm also paranoid and self-absorbed. (You'll begin to recognise these hormonal phases, my six valued subscribers.) That's very bad timing for an appointment with my psychologist because I appear waaay more unhinged than normal. "Not everything is about you," she says when I've finished... Continue Reading →

Manic impression

So I'm minding my own business, grabbing a Diet Coke from the BBQ chicken shop, when I'm accosted by a sandwich-short-of-a-picnic person. My suburb doesn't usually run to those. It's more of a cranky old lady place. I'm also accustomed to being able to spot my crazy people a mile off. It was part of the job description when I worked a... Continue Reading →

Size of a house

I am fat again. I know because I keep having to adjust my waistband below my belly. I know because I have invested in lots of stretchy leggings to wear with baggy tops. I know because I pretend not to notice any of my "thin" clothes in the wardrobe when I'm deciding what to wear in the morning (and if I don't try... Continue Reading →

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