Never ceases to amaze me

I spent last night sipping whiskey with the Consul General of Ireland. As you do. She was sooooo lovely. The Consulate General of Ireland, in partnership with the Irish Whiskey Association, invited me to an Irish Whiskey tasting at Hickson House Distilling Co. It was serendipitous because I needed a drink after downloading the strata management company's pet application form... Continue Reading →

Swan song

The youngest performed her swan song as a double dutch skipper yesterday at the 2022 Australian Rope Skipping Championships. She’s decided to take a break from the sport for the rest of the year. If she returns, she reckons she will stick to solo and pairs routines. Waiting for the results of her swan song... Continue Reading →

Skipping spam

The mums who are in Darwin for the 2022 Australian Rope Skipping Championships have been sending me photos and updates on the competition, which kicked off on Saturday. I was very excited yesterday when the youngest's teammates scored Silver for their four-person freestyle routine. Sadly the youngest wasn't competing in the event because there are... Continue Reading →

Rabbit holes

How was your weekend? Mine was spent down rabbit holes ... with a bonus pair of neon rabbit ears on Saturday night. Let's start with the rabbit holes. I became completely obsessed with getting this funky IKEA kitchen for my new apartment, complete with black benchtops and sink ... Many, many hours were spent sketching... Continue Reading →

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