The big event

I took the youngest to Parliament House yesterday to be presented with her bronze medal for skipping in the International Open Tournament. It was very entertaining to receive the invitation to the soiree, which announced that the Minister for Sport would be handing out the medals. The Minister for Sport is also the Minister for... Continue Reading →

Burn out

My boss gave me tickets to see Phantom of the Opera on Sydney Harbour last night as a thank you, but it wasn't to be. I've been writing about the production for work and it sounds like quite the spectacle. As the Opera Australia website glowingly notes: "This is The Phantom of the Opera as you’ve never... Continue Reading →

Sweet sixteen

The youngest turned 16 yesterday. It was both momentous and incredibly low key. There was supposed to be a family dinner on Monday night, but she wasn't well enough due to an allergic reaction. She rallied for breakfast with her dad at a cafe in Hunter's Hill yesterday, then headed to Burwood to get her... Continue Reading →

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