Time to rest

As you've probably guessed from my blog posts this week, I need a rest. So I'm taking a week off from everything from housework to blogging. It starts tonight - can’t wait, can’t wait, can’t wait! I’m celebrating the long-awaited cessation by getting my first haircut in six months at 6pm, then grabbing takeaway BBQ... Continue Reading →

Freedom of choice

My least favourite phrase used to be "first-world problem" ... because what other sort of problem was someone living in the first world supposed to have? Ironically, COVID-19 means the whole world shares the same problem for the first time. Rather than bringing us closer together, it feels like we’ve never been further apart. “World... Continue Reading →

Losing the plot

I'm mostly OK about the Jamala Wildlife Lodge incident now ... but still mildly outraged ... don’t upset a menopausal woman. Just don't. I‘m also wondering if people are losing the plot a little during COVID-19. A friend suggested that the Jamala manager's response might be a sign that she is personally at a breaking... Continue Reading →

Now and then

I’ve joined a Facebook group filled with former magazine colleagues reminiscing about the good old days. They've been posting photographs of the extravagant staff Christmas parties, the glamorous on-site gym, the lavish Christmas hampers and other fabulous stuff. They were very good old days indeed. The main pic on today’s blog post is the Cosmo... Continue Reading →

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