Slack Saturday: 10 Things I Hate About Pregnancy

Welcome to Slack Saturday. It's been a bit of a week and my brain needs a rest, so I've given it the day off. Fortunately, I've been digging around in my back catalogue (aka dusty boxes in the attic) lately. It's been very entertaining - the reading bit, the digging bit sucks - trying to recall the woman who wrote all those magazine articles. This one... Continue Reading →

Chang Mai Noodles

Pre-Sprogs, this was a Household favourite. It went by the wayside during the toddler and dissacharide deficiency years. Since the Sprogs have started tolerating a touch of spice lately, I decided to give it another whirl. Sprog 1 had seconds, Sprog 2 didn't complain too much. It's also preservative-free for those who prefer their dishes that way. CHANG MAI... Continue Reading →

Grim at the gym

I officially joined the gym this week - after a rather expensive trial period - and I'm already jack of it. It's been six weeks of blood, sweat and tears and I don't see the slightest improvement in my body. I put myself through five agonising gym classes each week and for what? The scales haven't moved, my belt notches haven't either. I... Continue Reading →

Pigging out

I didn't have total obliteration in me last night, despite the availability of free alcohol. But I did put away a generous amount of champagne at the Kidspot Top 50 Bloggers of 2012 cocktail party last night, so I'm a bit hungover and disorganised after a blackout screwed with my alarm clock. You'll have to wait for my extra-large Diet... Continue Reading →

I need your advice

I don't know what to do. I wish my problem was simple, like what to wear to the Kidspot 50 Top Bloggers of 2012 cocktail party tomorrow night. (Although that's gone a bit pear-shaped as well - I can't wear my new Leona Edmiston dress, my fake tan is wearing off and I've developed Michael Jacksonitis, my legs are all patchy.)... Continue Reading →

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