I’ve been nominated for a Liebster Award!



I’ve never been one of those people who scores first prize in the meat raffle every time they go to the pub.

So I embrace my “wins” when they do come.

The delightful Pinky Poinker has nominated me for a Liebster Award!

OK, the Liebsters aren’t so much awards as a chance for bloggers to get to know each other. But it sounds good …

It involves answering questions about yourself and then passing the baton to a few other bloggers. Kinda like a chain letter, I suppose.

Here goes:

What makes you happy?

It’s glorious when my nine-year-old gives me a cuddle at night and says she’s never letting go … for the first 60 seconds at least … Actually, cuddling generally is pretty awesome. Prosecco with a view is lovely too. And laughing with friends. And DD – he makes me very smiley.

Why did you start blogging?

After 20 years at ACP magazines, I became a stay-at-home mum in 2011. Blogging gave a centre to my days while the kids were at school. It was also a chance to exercise my writing muscle after so many years of editing. Oh, and to retrain in digital media. Erm, it also became my therapy – getting all the intense stuff out of my brain. Disapproving friends keep suggesting that a private diary might be a better way to go …

What’s the best thing anyone has ever said about your blog?

I love it when people tell me I’ve made them laugh. Sometimes people tell me I’ve made them cry too, which I shouldn’t love, but I do because it means that I’ve expressed something eloquently that moved them.

A new follower discovered me last week and commented: “Love your humour, honesty and look on life.”

I get the honesty comment a lot – not many people are honest on social media. They present a fairy floss construct of their lives. I want to let others know that I’ve had those darker moments, fears and embarrassments too and they’re not alone.

What is the one piece of advice you would offer or one saying you live by?

One piece of advice? Just one? I’m an advice factory, that’s going to be bloody hard. I’ve always got an opinion on what people should be doing (I’m not so great at being given advice, on the other hand.) If I have to choose it would be PUT THE KIDS FIRST IN THE DIVORCE. They are precious little souls that should be released into the world as adults with as little anxiety and worry as possible. There’s plenty of time for that later, let them be kids for as long as you can. Remember: they are not your friends, they are your children. Don’t invite them to your pity party.

What are your top three bucket list items?

1. A penthouse apartment with a beach view. 2. A trip to Hawaii for my birthday every March with lots of shopping money. 3. Writing the screenplay for a hugely successful movie and winning a Golden Globe for it (way more fun than the Oscars and less posh judging criteria).

Erm those may be wishes rather than bucket list items … oh well.

What is your ultimate guilty pleasure?

Prosecco and nibbles … I LOVE nibbles. Nibbles are way more fun than dinner. When I got invited to fancy launches as an editor type I was a master at picking the best spot in the room to score the most hors d’oeuvers from the waiters. My wedding was even a stand-up snacking affair to indulge my obsession.

What is the one product or service you can’t live without?

A few years ago I’d have said it was having a cleaner. I HATE cleaning every bit as much as I love nibbles. I was inappropriately thrilled when we discovered our youngest daughter had a dust allergy because it meant I could justify getting a cleaner every week instead of fortnightly.

But, it turns out, when you’re a single mother of limited means you CAN live without a cleaner because you must.

I can’t live without having my hair dyed. I would be gutted if I had to go from being titian-tressed to grey. Having red hair (and revealing far too much about myself on social media) is my signature.

What’s your favourite Australian travel destination? (Wow this is long, sorry.)

I’ve only been there once, but I thought Mantra Salt at Kingscliff was pretty awesome. It had all these cool restaurants, various pools, a beach, a pub, a bottle shop, an IGA and a Witchery. You could settle in for a week and never have to leave for anything.

What two countries make you happiest to visit?

As previously mentioned, despite it not being a country, I’m a bit doolally about Hawaii. I like that it’s warm and easy, has fish tacos and fun shopping. I go stir-crazy at a beach destinations without proper shopping. Markets don’t cut it. I’m not a market person. Waikele Outlet Mall on the other hand …

Secretly, I’m not the best traveller, even though I’ve done heaps of it. I’d handle it better if I could go in a Tardis with my own bathroom and bedroom. I miss home and home-cooked meals too much. As Pinky notes: “Nothing beats Australia though. I literally hug trees when I get back to Australia.”

That said I’ve had lovely times in Spain, Singapore, the United States, Mexico and the Seychelles. Oh, sorry, that’s more than two.

What is your dream destination?

See above except in a fancy penthouse suite. I spent the night at Trump Waikiki once. It was DIVINE. There were fireworks as my sister and I lazed on the balcony drinking dodgy Californian wine.

Now it’s my turn to nominate people for a Liebster – forgive me if you’ve done it before …

Alex at Alexcellent

Char at My Life’s a Marathon

Cee at Mum In The Hood

Song of the day: Hot Chocolate “Everyone’s a winner”







7 thoughts on “I’ve been nominated for a Liebster Award!

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  1. Thanks for the nomination Alana, much appreciated! I’ll been Leibsterised before but I’m very happy to answer the questions and pass the baton along. I’m making a few changes to my blog at the moment but will post soon. Enjoyed your answers – I’m totally with you on the love of Hawaii.

  2. Err…congratulations on your nomination! 😂
    Now, get to work on that movie and we’ll look forward to seeing you at the Golden Globe Awards!

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