I’m not nailing the single mum thing

We had takeaway again last night. BBQ chook and chips.

The house is a disaster. I haven’t cleaned it since the move. The dog keeps escaping the barrier I’ve erected in the kitchen and weeing on the carpet. And I feel so guilty because he spends endless hours locked up while I’m at work.

I never used to be this disorganised, even when I was juggling motherhood with editing Woman’s Day.

But Thursdays are such a scramble. I dash from work to the bus, grab the car, pick up the youngest from skipping, the eldest from art. By the time I drop the youngest’s best friend home it’s long past 6pm.

There’s nothing in the fridge. I’m out of the habit of cooking. I don’t have the kids on Sunday and Monday, we go to swimming lessons and out to dinner on Tuesday, then they’re gone again Wednesday.

I can’t remember the last time I got the youngest to practise her reading with me. The same goes for her saxophone.

I plonked her on the loungeroom floor to do all her homework – in one mad flourish – last night while I took the dog for a quick powerwalk around the block.

Home again, I realised the kids had no clean school clothes for this morning and thrust a load in the wash, then unpacked and repacked the dishwasher.

By 8.15pm, I was finally hustling them to bed, mentally compiling a long to-do list for the next day – school drop-off, getting the eldest’s paintings ready to hang in the local art prize, grocery shopping (oh gawd, what the HELL am I going to cook for dinner tonight?) a trip to the bottle shop for West Coast Coolers etc etc etc for the party, attempting to reconnect the internet so I can burn last-minute party CDs …

Weary just thinking about it all.

And I only work three days a week. How do single mums who work full time manage it?

2 thoughts on “I’m not nailing the single mum thing

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  1. I can’t speak on the single mum thing BUT can tell you that having moved twice in 6 months. I notice my energy is really flat and disengaged in the housework, cooking and washing once the move drama is over. It’s been two months since we moved and just starting to re-engage, a little!!

    You will find yourself back in the swing of it, you just need to let yourself recharge after all the moving upheaval and chaos.

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