I’ve got crabs

OK, that’s not entirely accurate. I had crabs. But I managed to get rid of them yesterday.

I told the school mum responsible for giving me crabs that I had a terrible fate in mind …

Feeding them to the chooks.

She looked horrified. So I devised a humane plan B: trekking to a muddy inlet to release them to a new, watery home.

Let me rewind.

The youngest arrived home from a playdate on Saturday with a plastic tub of crawling mud she’d collected on an adventure with her friend.


They clickered and clackered on the kitchen bench for the next few days and I started fretting they’d expire soon.

After an initial fascination, the kids’ interest in the muddy tub dramatically waned. At first they were gangbusters for a joint adventure to set them free, but by yesterday morning they were totally jiggy with mum taking care of the problem on her own.

Gee thanks.

After school drop off, I drove to a bush path, trailed down the hill and discovered this …


Now that’s a gorgeous way to start the day. Then I tipped the crabs out onto a rock …


And clambered back up the 100 steps to the road …


That was my exercise for the day sorted.

Has your kid ever brought anything weird home from a playdate? My youngest came home with molluscum once, which sounds kinda fishy, but is a scourge far greater than anything the deep could produce.

 Song of the day: Smoke City “Underwater love” … ooo-la-la!

6 thoughts on “I’ve got crabs

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  1. OK…that heading will get the trolls excited! Bet you’re watching your hits escalate dramatically. Good job…made me smile today! 🙂
    What a beautiful spot to give your little crustaceans their freedom. I hope it was a harbour inlet and not the river, otherwise death by chook may have been less traumatic!

  2. I find the idea of feeding crabs to a chicken weird… sort of cannibalistic in a way. You might have spawned some exotic disease or something. I’m glad to see they went to a nice place. My kids never brought anything home from a play date but one son brought home a cow’s ear after a school camp at a cattle station which I discovered a week later in his undies drawer.

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