My week: The Mother’s Day edition (with Facebook stoushing)

OK, so this is what’s been going down since last Sunday …

I wrote my last daily Hollywood gossip column (sob!) at HouseGoesHome on Monday. It was called Keira Weds, Lindsay Locked Down, Charlie Sheen’s Twins Removed From Ex. It was quite juicy (she says so herself) and included details such as Keira’s frock was a vintage number that she wore to a party in 2008.


I also asked Who Were You On You Wedding Day and revealed that this was me.

I reclaimed the dawn since I didn’t have to get up a blog Hollywood gossip at 5am every morning. While I professed to be enjoying it, it’s actually a bit of a drag hauling my butt out of the house at daybreak. I keep thinking how much more fun it’d be to just footle around on social media. But I’ll get used to it and it might help burn off all the calories I’m sucking down in my Starbucks Caramel Frappuccinos every morning.

The Caramel Frappuccinos have also made me realise half the world is pretending to sit around in cafes being civilised and drinking coffee when they’re really just getting legally high. I wrote about it in a blog called Secret Drug Addicts.


I berated myself for forgetting my Nan’s birthday. And threw in some childhood reminisces.

Actually, it was a bit of a guilt trippy week, because I had a moan about how hung-up mothers get about being selfish enough to want time for themselves. It was called I’m Going On A Guilt Trip. Care To Join Me?

Over at iVillage I had a few arguments on Facebook.

The biggest one was over an innocent post I put up asking: “My friend is about to become a grandmother at age 45. She feels too young to be “Grandma” or “Nanna”. Any other ideas? – Alana”

Well, 62 comments later … the most surprising was a woman who sniped: “wtf? how about get over it and enjoy welcoming your grand child??? i went through this with my mother inlaw, why not stop being so vain?” Then she weighed in again with: “I think its vain to refuse the title because of age like my MiL did after yrs of confusing names she is finally just nanna, she didnt consider the hurt or insult toward my partner & I or our children that she didnt want that title because of holding onto her youth.”

I can’t quite imagine being hurt or insulted by what my parents or in-laws choose to be called as grandparents. Funny the things that upset some people.

I also got a bit teeth-gritty about a woman who delights in making snipey comments ALL THE TIME. Eventually I replied to one with: “You are AWESOME, kinda like our own personal policewoman.” I know I shouldn’t have …

My contributions to iVillage this week were:

Behind the scenes at the celebrity party of the year

How Your Daughter Feels When You Say “I’m Fat”

Mother’s heartbreak: my daughter is the forgotten abductee

Behind the scenes at the celebrity party of the year

Why are little girls so mean to each other?

And some of the most popular stories on the site were:

Will I love my second child as much as my first?

Something is wrong with my son

What I never expected to hear at parent teacher conference

The last one inspired comments such as “That was one of the funniest things I have read, maybe coz it’s so true. However, the only part I don’t agree with is “the 3’s being worse” Why…coz my kids have just hit pre-teen!! OMG – say no more!” and “Ahhh too funny. That really got me going with the giggles. Nearly pee’d myself.”

Mums share: the moment I met my baby

Finally, for some Mother’s Day fun, check out these:

Mums share: The moment I met my baby (including me, of course, as above!)

Let’s move Mother’s Day

What I don’t want for Mother’s Day

and the divine …

Hilariously awkward Mother's Day photos

Hilariously awkward Mother’s Day photos

How was your Mother’s Day?

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