They took my car away


Just a quickie – I have been going hammer and tongs at Oscar gossiping and it’s only left me with a few spare minutes before the kids wake, chooks demand to be let out and the bunny starts rattling his cage.

So … they took my car away. It’s very traumatic.

Husband booked it for a service yesterday, so we could get a green slip and register it. As with everything we do, time was of the essence – the rego is due tomorrow.

And the mechanics said it was too dangerous to drive. So they kept it.


Well, it was more traumatic for Husband, who had to scramble to school pick-up on a bus, beg a school mum for a lift home, then walk 20 minutes to my sister’s house to borrow her car to transport the Sprogs to trumpet and gymnastics lessons.

Fortunately my wonderful sister has given me her car today too, so I don’t have to ride a scooter to the kids’ swimming classes this arvo.

I hate to think how much it’s going to cost to fix. Last service was $1000.

Eeek. Time to buy a new car?

PS I really thought I’d have a more grown-up life by now. One that involved road-worthy cars and nice furniture. But no.

9 thoughts on “They took my car away

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  1. Mine is sitting in the driveway unable to be driven because it is out of rego. I’m too scared to find out how much it is going to cost to fix all the problems with it – god I miss Qld where no inspections were required. Love to my mum who has been doing a massive amount of driving around for us. Yes, I too thought my life would be more sorted by now. Why isn’t it????

  2. I so want to see a pic of you on a scooter. And I don’t mean a Vespa! Surely one of the Sprogs has a pink Barbie or princess one you could borrow.

  3. There’s a roadworthy 1994 fairmont that runs on petrol and LPG sitting out the front of our place. Gas tank has just been restamped, so it’s good for another 10 years. Registered till 3 July 2013.
    It’s waiting for a fine day for a wash and vacuum, then the for sale sign will be going on it.
    It was updated yesterday by a spanking new Mazda3. πŸ™‚
    BTW – I don’t have my shit sorted out either. πŸ˜€

  4. New car? Well you know who to call…! Got a ripper 1.5% finance deal on a funky Honda Jazz VTi-S Auto in a stylish Polished Metal colour. Perfect car for you and your family. Like in the “Newcastle Song”, “Don’t you ever let a chance go by, oh Lord…”! πŸ™‚

  5. No problem Alana, I’ll deliver it personally! Just need you to drop me back to the airport! And yes, Leanne…it’s what I do! Big smile!

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