Letting it all hang out

I took Sprog 2 to her friend’s house for a playdate this week and stayed for a cup of tea. As I sipped, I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror and did an inner recoil of horror. I looked terrible. Baggy K-Mart trakkie daks, frumpy top, fuzzy hair … Could I look any more like the stereotypical suburban mum gone to seed if I tried? Part of the problem is that I’ve been hitting the fridge a bit hard – it’s there, calling to me, all day. A steady diet of cheese and fruit & nut mix means that anything fitted in my wardrobe is, well, extra-fitted now. Not being particularly good at the self-restraint stuff, I’ve decided the answer isn’t less cheese and nuts, it’s more exercise. So I’m walking everywhere. I even walked 3km to dinner with a friend the other night (forgot my glasses, got horribly lost and sweaty, but finally stumbled in), then walked home again (being old and full of wine, was forced to make an impromptu wee stop in a park on the way … oh the guilt, the shame, the relief!). Yesterday, the kids and I walked to a (different) park and went briefly scootering until Sprog 2 hit the concrete spectacularly and grazed her knee. Sprog 2 – aka The Drama Queen – was hysterical. We stumbled home and spent the next few hours staring at the bloody knee, debating what to do about it. You see, The Drama Queen is ideologically opposed to Band-Aids (no idea why), the mere mention of them makes her scream even louder than the injury. I finally got her to agree to have a piece of non-adhesive gauze taped over it for bed. She decided she was so infirm she needed to be lifted in and out of bed (inconvenient when she wanted to do a wee at 11pm, just as I was drifting off to sleep). At midnight, she started sobbing about the non-adhesive gauze stuff. Husband was forced to remove the gauze and rig a tent above her leg with two chairs from the playroom. Peace reigned until she started wailing at 6.45am because she needed to use the bathroom again. I’m guessing that puts paid to any Sprog-related fitness routines for the next few days. Today’s work-out will have to be a walk up to the shops to get sausages and the ingredients for homemade chicken nuggets for dinner. Hmmm, not entirely sure that work-out, sausages and homemade chicken nuggets belong in the same sentence as each other …

TONIGHT’S MENU: Homemade chicken nuggets (the Sprogs), Steak with blue cheese sauce (the grown-ups). The sausages are for a korma on the weekend (tastier than it sounds).

7 thoughts on “Letting it all hang out

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  1. Ooh – recipe for Sausage Korma please. Never could stand the curried sausages Mum served up as a kid, I always went for the grilled variety – maybe it was the curry powder. Love a good korma now though.

      1. Sounds good. Will have to try that one. Have sausages out for BBQ lunch today. Can try that with the leftovers.

  2. Wait till you start talking to the neighbours dressed in your jammies while waiting for the kids to get on the school bus, and the neighbours are doing the same thing. 🙂

  3. You’re so NOT OLD if you’re making wee stoops in the park. That kind of behaviour smacks of ‘enfant terrible’. Why weren’t you at my play group when I was a full time mum?

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