Finally, some answers


It’s been hard to understand and process the last six months. But over the past week I’ve felt like I’m finally getting answers.

And its kinda blown my mind.

I’ve been given some surprising psycho-babble labels for my journey, gone away for a snuggle with my best friend Dr Google and started researching them.

It’s spooky to read strangers write about the exact things you’ve been experiencing, thinking, and saying: it simultaneously makes you feel like you’re not alone but also a bit of a clone at the same time.

Ahhhh … so my situation isn’t that unique or unusual.

Ohhhhh … so you’ve been through the same stuff.

Hmmmm … so where does that leave me?

Well, at the very least it means I’m gaining clarity. And in the process I’ll know myself and those around me better.

I’m reminded of a scene in Avatar, when Neytiri holds the disabled Jake in his human form, looks into his eyes and says: “I see you.”

As Jay Michelson of the Huffington Post explains:

In the Na’Vi cosmology, what’s really happening is the Ai’Wa in me is connecting with the Ai’Wa in you. This is echoed in their greeting, “I see you,” a direct translation of the Sanskrit Namaste, which means the same thing. (“Avatar” is also from the Sanskrit, though the film plays on the word’s two meanings of an image used in a role-playing game, and a deity appearing on Earth.) As the Na’Vi explain in the film, though, “I see you” doesn’t mean ordinary seeing – it, like Namaste, really means “the God in me sees the God in you.” I see Myself, in your eyes.

I see.

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