Doctor Who is my porn


Things got pretty heated in my office a few weeks ago when we started discussing who’d seen porn.

Quite a few of us had not. The ones who HAD couldn’t believe there were ones who HAD NOT. I was one of the had nots. I regard porn and horror movies as film genres I do not need scarring my psyche.

I have other ways of getting my kicks on screen. And I’m (kinda) ashamed to say most of them involve Doctor Who.

Sad but true.

Number one way I get my kicks is a youTube clip called David Tennant – OMG. Its had 976,501 views, 976,000 of them by me.

And then there are my favourite phwoar scenes from the TV series. I am having serious withdrawal symptoms because the latest season finished last Sunday. I have watched the last episode four times since then as a coping mechanism. Mainly for this scene:

Other hubba-hubba moments are:

and (I could only find it in Italian, which kinda makes it even sexier)

To get all educated and thesisy about it, Ryan Britt in The Sexy Sub-text of Modern Doctor Who notes: “The contemporary versions of the Doctor are great conversionalists and we all know good conversation is much sexier than looks, style, or Cosmo’s hot tips. This is where Doctor Who is truly sexy. Like a good conversation on a date, the stories are desperately NOT about sex, and so, the show is sexy. Many episodes feel like a Shakespeare comedy; a series of zany events designed to redirect you away from the romantic narrative.”

I’m not the only blogger with an enormous Doctor Who horn. The Bloggess rattles on about him constantly.

For instance, this post:


You guys?  I just met The Doctor.

And he’s my vet.

First of all, EVERYONE he works with just calls him “The Doctor” and then when he came into the room he looked EXACTLY like #9 and then he handed me his card and I was all “Hang on…YOUR NAME IS ‘TIME LORD’?” and he was like “Um…the ‘I’ is soft.  It’s Tim.  Tim Lord.”  But it was pretty clear I’d broken his cover because I was all “Gallifrey this” and “sonic screwdrivers that” and then he looked a little panicky and pulled out a syringe and I started to think aboutDexter, but then I remembered that The Doctor was a vet and I was there to get shots for my cat.

But then I totally didn’t remember driving home later and I’m pretty sure I probably had some crazy adventure with The Doctor for years and then he Donna Nobled me and now I just can’t remember any of it.

She also admitted in 2011 that “I started watching Doctor Who this week and lost an entire week” and tweeted: “Doctor Who ep 1: This is a bit stupid. Ep 2: Huh. Well, that’s interesting. Ep 3: I WILL NEVER STOP WATCHING THIS SHOW.”

Meanwhile, Waris Hussein, who directed the first episodes of the show, starring William Hartnell in 1963, does not approve.

“There is an element now, and I know we’re living in a different era, of sexuality that has crept in,” he griped recently. “The intriguing thing about the original person was that you never quite knew about him and there was a mystery and an unavailability about him. Now we’ve just had a recent rebirth and another girl has joined us, a companion, she actually snogged him. Why bring in this element when in fact you needn’t have it there?”

Is he mad? Why bring it in?


I might just nip off now … and leave you with some happy snaps … Make that a happy collage …


Does Doctor Who get you going or do you think I’ve totally lost the plot?

2 thoughts on “Doctor Who is my porn

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  1. I cried when the Doctor and Rose parted ways, but I do love the maturity in his relationship with River Song. The time/space/echo stuff hurts my head though. I have no idea how the writers manage any sort of continuity!

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