I don’t want to go

I had a rather nasty argument with Husband the day he left for Dublin.

I was trawling through last year’s HouseGoesHome June blogs for Hump Day inspiration when I discovered I had the same argument with him last year.


Here’s what I said on June 6 last year: “Husband and I have been arguing about our next overseas holiday destination. God knows why because the only places we can afford to visit are spare bedrooms within a driving radius of Sydney. Husband is mad-keen to take the Sprogs to Siem Reap. As in Cambodia. He’s been there. Says it’s absolutely amazing. So do lots of other people. That’s lovely, but I don’t want to take my nine and seven-year-old to Cambodia. I think we should wait until they’re older. Then the three of them can go together while I nip off to a nice spa somewhere (near lots of shops). Nup, no poetry in my soul.”

I said much the same thing on Sunday. Through clenched teeth. Things got rather icy in the car.

It’s pretty ridiculous considering the trip to Cambodia won’t take place until at least 2015.

But there are so many places I would rather go. Boring, predictable places. So sue me. Singapore (again). Hawaii (again again again etc), the American South (again), Fiji (again). I even fancy the idea of a motorhome trip around the South Island of New Zealand.

But – to be completely honest – I have ABSOLUTELY NO DESIRE AT ALL to go to Cambodia.

It’s beautiful and all that blah, blah, blah. But I’m not interested.


Do you think people get divorced over holiday fights?

I hope not.

In the meantime, I am looking forward to Husband taking the Sprogs to Forbes and Albury for a week in the July school holidays while I kick up my heels sans family in Sydney.

Is it wrong to be excited about having a week alone?

I hope not.

Have you ever fought with your partner about where to go on holidays or are you always totally in sync?

9 thoughts on “I don’t want to go

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  1. Luckily we’re reasonably in sync. Husband could probably be quite happy never visiting Paris again, but know that I MUST see it whenever we’re OS. He’s now fully into cycling, so likes visiting places he can ride – like Provence, parts of Italy and Spain. While he’s riding, I’m shopping or in a café with our daughter – win for everyone!

  2. Kate Mahon and I just got back from
    Cambodia. Great French influence, fab shopping, delicious food and restaurants, big big bang for your buck, beautiful people and scenery. A tragic history, but a country looking to its future. Just saying…

      1. Yes, i may fear flying, but i wish i cld afford a cruise… i have worked it out for when i win the lottery… a cruise via madagascar… then get to africa, work my way up to europe via rail/road, then easy peasy to england!! Lol

  3. I think we are in sync, but it has been a while since we have been anywhere. We have never taken our kids on a holiday. A couple of camping weekends has been it. We are hoping to take them on a trip next year once Hubby has finished uni and is in paid employment again. We are leaning to a long weekend on the Gold Coast and a week or 2 in a motorhome in NZ. In the meantime, the kids have to put up with (haha) a yearly trip to the snow with their grandparents. I was hoping to have the house to myself this year while they were gone as Hubby was supposed to go on retreat then, but alas that’s on in August.

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