I am still recovering

It feels like an eternity since I last blogged and far too much has happened to squeeze into one blog post, so I am going to split it into two.

Part one is my sister in law’s visit from Melbourne. Deb and I have known each other for more than 30 years – we were at each other’s weddings, spent many lovely Christmases together and have stayed in close touch post-divorce.

She arrived last Thursday night and had to let herself into my apartment because I was gadding about at a fancy dinner in Woollahra (more about that in blog post part two).

I also had to work like a crazy woman on Friday until 6pm, putting out the weekly newsletter and writing endless Vivid Sydney LinkedIn posts, so she was left to her devices then too.

She kept herself busy by heading into town to visit to the Museum of Contemporary Art, have lunch at Opera Bar, take a twirl around the Art Gallery of NSW, then wandered through Dark Spectrum.

Dark Spectrum is a light show that is being held in conjunction with Vivid Sydney in abandoned railway tunnels beneath Wynyard Station. The tunnels were meant to become a rail system to Sydney’s Northern Beaches, but the project was cancelled.

When I finally finished work we headed to the pub to sip bubbles under a tree festooned with fairy lights, then went to my local groovy Mexican joint for Margaritas and soft tacos.

Saturday was intense, 23,000 steps intense … which is way too much walking for someone with hip tendonitis. It kicked off with a stroll and breakfast at Balmoral Beach, followed by window shopping in Mosman, then we headed into town to grab a table at Squire’s Landing in The Rocks to wait for Lights On at 6pm for Vivid Sydney.

It was thrilling to have a ring side seat as the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney Opera House suddenly sprang to life with spectacular artworks projected onto them.

Afterwards we walked around to Barangaroo to see a few stunning light displays including Nest and Portal.

Two thumbs up, ten out of ten.

At 8pm we jumped onto one of Sydney Harbour Tall Ships historic vessels for a harbour cruise that culiminated with a front-row position for the ‘Love is in the Air’ drone show.

Deb absolutely adored it … though it was a bit hellish to get from the wharf to the Wynyard bus stop afterwards. The crowds were next level.

We were both exhausted by the time we finally crawled into bed at 11.30pm.

On Sunday I took Deb for a tour of DD’s neck of the woods, including a ferry ride over to Ettalong on the Central Coast. We both have very fond memories of Ettalong as that’s where my ex-husband and her still-husband’s grandfather owned a place beside the water.

We posed for a selfie out the front to send to the family.

The weather was divine and we sat with our feet up at a gorgeous little spot called The Box, eating grilled fish and chips and drinking Lemon Cider Mojitos.

But the fun didn’t stop there … after a drive around the beaches, we had a brief rest on DD’s deck then we walked down to a local bar for some live music and Manhattans, followed by another Mexican feast. We were particularly fond of the Kifler Potatoes with Cinco Chilli Mayo and Truffle oil …. mmmmmm ….

Monday morning dawned with a cup of tea on Avalon headland while dolphins frolicked in the surf below, then I drove Deb to the airport, via a cafe at the historic Coal Loader at Waverton, for her flight home.

Hectic! But bulk fun!

Though I could have done without leaving my computer cord at DD’s place and spending 90 minutes trekking back up there to get it …

Song of the day: Sister Sledge “We are family”

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