Draw an “L” on my forehead with sump oil

I’m not a car person. Husband isn’t either. We only have one and it doesn’t get much love. It’s 10 years old, dented, plastered with stickers and littered with old Diet Coke cans and crumbs and other crap. It stands out like dogs’ balls at school pick-up. We live in a shiny, new Volvo people-mover kind of suburb. I hadn’t really noticed until a Maroubra friend came to Sprog 1’s birthday party and flipped at the $600,0000+ worth of machinery lining the kerb. I recently took the car for its 150,000km service. When I picked it up, the mechanic was telling customers about the freaky 150,000km service he’d done. Just draw a big L on my forehead with sump oil. But I can live with the shame if he keeps the old girl going, ’cause we don’t have the funds for a new one. Husband needed the car to duck into the office yesterday. So I had to walk the Sprogs to school. It’s not a long journey, but it’s not short either. It involves a slight incline that makes me wheeze. I shouldered Sprog 2’s backpack, she struggled along with her heirloom brown Yamaha electric keyboard (lovingly preserved and passed down by her mother for lunchtime keyboard classes) and Sprog 1 whined that her ankle hurt. We eventually reached the top of the slight incline and met one of Sprog 2’s classmates, who was getting a mini cupcake from the patisserie. I felt a bit sorry for the classmate’s dad, despite the precedent he was setting with the baked goods. He was pushing a pram and looked shagged. So I offered to walk his daughter to school. You’d think he’d won the lottery. I humped off with the extra backpack and Sprog 2’s discarded electronic keyboard. Sprog 2 frolicked ahead with her classmate (both sporting rolled-down ankle socks, Sprog 2 is such a fashion sheep). As I staggered, I recalled the high-flying career I’d abandoned to become a pack horse. Sprog 1 gave an encore Hunchback of Notre Dame performance on the pedestrian crossing, then her ankle miraculously recovered. A few blocks later, I tottered through the school gates and ditched my load. There was a spring in my step as I walked home, alone, unencumbered and downhill all the way. I decided all that exertion cancelled out the fried rice discs and crab calorie explosion I was having at lunch. When Husband returned with the car, I cleared a spot on the passenger side and we were off. Rattle, shudder, rattle.

Are you a car person? If you could choose any model, what would it be? If someone insisted on giving me one, I think I’d go for a Mini (new millenium model). No stickers on the windows allowed. Not even those dinky My Family ones everyone’s loving/hating at the moment. Though I do have a weakness for the chook ones.

10 thoughts on “Draw an “L” on my forehead with sump oil

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  1. im technically not a car person, but, there’s something inside me that wld NEVER let me buy a ford… lol

  2. I am definitely a car person. My dream is to have a small sport car with only one seat and kiddy locks to keep them out. I however drive around in a family car full of all the same detritus that you have in your car.

  3. Alana, I am DEFINITELY a car person, too!

    I could see you in a new 2012 Honda Civic Si Hatch…Google it and tell me what you think! Plenty of space, looks like a 2 door coupe but is a 5 door hatchback, nippy, economical and plenty of equipment. And it’s way less money than a Mini!

    Even better, let me know when you’re ready to change over and I’ll organise it for you! I’ll even find some chicken stickers to fit.

    Remember “The Newcastle Song”. “Don’t you ever let a chance go by…”? (And yes, I work for Honda and couldn’t resist the opportunity!)

  4. When I bought my first car I had 4 main questions: 1) does it have air conditioning?
    2) does it have power windows? 3) does it have a good stereo? and 4) does it have enough grunt to get past the coal trucks? (Note the order…)

    I loved that car, little yil (that was her name. What? You don’t name your cars?). Now, I drive a Prius. Ever since I heard of them, I thought they were cool cars. Not hippy. Just way cool. I saved and saved and saved. And now the bank and I own a Prius. Oliver.

    Oliver and I are very happy. And there is a secret compartment where I can store all my stuff. Bliss.

  5. I love love love car shopping. Since we’ve been here I’ve had a Jeep Cherokee, a Mazda 2 and now a Golf – it’s the new TSi station wagon which is brilliant because you can fit everything including our German Shepherd in the back (hooks in your case).Plus it’s grunty and has bluetooth. You should put it on your wish list for when the old girl finally gives up somewhere between now and 250,000 kms.

  6. I dont’t care so much about the brand… I just want one that is a strict “no crap” zone. I have four children and they always seem to find something to take “for the trip”. For my 4yo it’s interesting sticks/leaves/feathers he’s found, my 2 year old always brings a few toy cars and my daughters have lost at least 6,483 hairbands and clips in there. Gah!

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