Fight club

The weather was pretty gnarly around my way over the weekend, so I spent a lot of time staring anxiously at my mouldy ceiling.

The head of the body corporate got narky when I sent a message on Saturday morning to the committee saying:

Hi everyone, I hope you’ve had a good week.

I reported a roof leak to the strata manager on May 17 that I am waiting to hear back about.

I have emailed Leyla several times, and last week emailed her replacement Frederick, who I have cc’d on this email.

They tell me they are waiting for approval from the committee. 

Mould is spreading rapidly across my living room ceiling and upon investigating the roof terrace I found a missing tile directly above where the mould is located.

I am hoping you can approve a roofing expert to come and check the rooftop. The weather reports are not good for this weekend and I feel the rain will exacerbate an issue that is already causing me considerable concern.

I would not like a minor issue to become a major, expensive one for the building.

I have attached pictures of the mould and the missing tile. I am happy to organise an inspection of my ceiling if you feel you need to see it for yourself to make a judgement. 

However, my main hope is that an expert can be organised soon to ensure the building’s waterproofing – and my ceiling – aren’t compromised further.

Many thanks!

Was I too rude or too bolshie? I had been fuming for 24 hours so the email burst out of me, but I tried to be measured about the inaction.

The head of the body corporate snapped back saying she was waiting for the strata manager to advise if the roofer had experience in waterproofing.

She also requested an executive committee meeting to discuss it. Sigh.

Why do people love meetings so much? I suggested maybe it would be a good idea to get some sort of temporary cover over the missing tile. Radio silence for a few hours … and then …

She emailed the executive committee and took a poll on whether they should fix my ceiling.

A. Poll.

That is literally what she called it.

Most people got back to her with a “yes, fix it immediately”, which is ironic considering it’s been moulding up for weeks with no action.

A poll! It still makes me laugh, which I suppose is healthier than feeling murderous.

I suppose it’s one of the drawbacks to apartment living. If I was in a house I could sort my own stuff out instead of having to do it by committee.

The woman whose apartment has access to the rooftop above my place popped over on Saturday afternoon for a stickybeak at my ceiling and tut-tutted a lot. Apparently last time they needed to fix a rooftop it involved a $10,000 levy for each owner and someone had to sell their apartment because they couldn’t afford it.


She’s covered over the missing tile, which hopefully stops a bit of water getting in.

Anyhoo, that was the highlight of the weekend as the rest of it involved book writing.

I have lost track of whether I told you I’m currently writing my second book in a year.


And hopefully my last crazy agreement to do something I don’t have time to do!

It’s nothing Pulitzer Prize winning. But I will give you the full lowdown tomorrow.

Hope you had a good weekend.

Song of the day: Survivor “Eye of the tiger”

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