The inaugural Mag I Bought This Week Award

After worked in magazines for more than 20 years, I've got a soft spot for them. Particularly the weeklies. I don't want them to go the way of the dinosaur and vinyl records. Sometimes a girl/middle-aged woman needs to flick paper, bugger the trees. So I'm doing my bit and buying ONE weekly magazine every Monday. My criteria for purchase is based... Continue Reading →

This is an Aussie girl?

So, I was wandering in my favourite place - the toy aisle - when I saw the "Australia" Barbie doll and snorted my Diet Coke all over the floor. I think it's a cack that Mattel portrays Aussie women as Terry Irwin lookalikes with koalas wrapped around their wrists. Do you know anyone other than Terri (besides Bindi) who wanders around dressed like this? I tried to... Continue Reading →

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