Wife-swap wonderland

I love a playdate in the park. The kids disappear and the mums chin wag. Yesterday, the converstation turned to pelvic floor muscles. Someone had to stop jumping because, you know ... A mum of four credited kegels with keeping hers taut, which inspired a group kegel session around the picnic table. All that pelvic action led someone to announce they'd heard wife-swapping was rife in my... Continue Reading →

Small world syndrome

There's never a good time to crash into a sporty black car on the Sydney Harbour Bridge. When you're running $5-a-minute late to get Sprog 1 from after-school care is a particularly bad time. It was Melbourne Cup Day, 2009. The owner of the sporty black car was driving home to celebrate his big win. He was furious, but fortunately didn't swear... Continue Reading →

Booze, brawls, nudity and humiliation …

I need them every day. If I don't get them, I panic. I lie awake at night obsessing about them. If I don't have them, I dredge up old brawls and humiliations instead. I'm an addict, desperate for hits ... on my blog. (Sorry, cheap trick.) In the four months since I started blogging, I've discovered those are the big four. They're guaranteed to reel 'em in, every time.  My top blogs... Continue Reading →

Dipsomania in suburbia

Is it wrong to fill a mini water-spray bottle with vodka and take it to a restaurant? The place was BYO, but plonking a litre of vodka on the table didn't seem quite the done thing (perfectly acceptable in Russia, not as much on Sydney's north shore). So why did slipping that little bottle into my handbag make me feel so ... dirty? I initially put the vodka into... Continue Reading →

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