
I am interrupting normal HouseGoesHome programming because it doesn't feel right to blather when such a terrible tragedy has unfolded in the Hunter Valley. It is devastating that people returning to their accommodation after a wedding at Wandin Valley Estate have either lost their lives or had them irrevocably changed forever. My family hails from... Continue Reading →

Brain teased

I reckon you've heard enough about my bladder for the rest of the year, so let's move onto something more cerebral ... brains. I've been fascinated lately by the different ways people think. I am stealing this question from Forbes: "Have you ever asked yourself what kind of thinker you are? Are you visual, kinesthetic,... Continue Reading →

They are strong

I am having trouble processing the dramatic events of this week. My former high school friend Kath has been released from jail after spending 20 years incarcerated. That's pretty freaking massive. It is beyond me how Kath is so balanced, both about being locked up for so long and about suddenly being free. She was... Continue Reading →

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