Very tempting

DD sent me a TikTok last night about a three-year cruise that costs $50,000 a year including all meals and wifi. When you think about it that’s actually a bargain. For three whole years you’d have no car-associated costs, no electricity or gas bills, no rent, no groceries … It’s less than $1000 a week... Continue Reading →

That’s not smart

You know you are still carrying the scars of workplace bullying when a speech about kindness by an Illinois Governor brings a tear to your eye. Earlier this month, Gov. J.B. Pritzker gave Northwestern University graduates practical advice he learned from some of his favourite characters on the TV show The Office. At one point... Continue Reading →

Made with love

There has been roadwork outside my apartment from 9pm until the early hours for the past two nights. Not minor stuff, endless jackhammering. Can you imagine what their penalty rates must be? Buggered if I know why the work can’t start until 9pm. What’s wrong with doing it in the middle of the day between... Continue Reading →

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