Unnatural pleasures

I find myself, at age 44 - not 43 as I whimsically suggested on Sunday - in need of artificial stimulants to get me through the day. Around lunchtime the weariness starts to set in. MUST. GET. DIET. COKE. Thanks to my friends, I've been subjected to enough depressing posts on Facebook to know Diet Coke isn't a healthy beverage. So... Continue Reading →

Jail birds

I went to jail yesterday. With a crashing hangover. It was ace. I took a Unisom the night before. It's a great way to avoid the 2am dry horrors, because you're so dribblingly unconscious you don't notice them. You just have to hope kidney failure - or whatever mixing Unisom and alcohol might cause - doesn't set in. I'm thinking it might be... Continue Reading →

(Almost) Silent Sunday afternoon

Eight-year-olds are funny, contradictory creatures. Well, mine is anyway. She reads Goosebumps books, likes vampire dolls and loves the idea of zombies, even though Dad won't let her see any movies containing them. And yet she still sleeps in Tinkerbell pyjamas and creates art installations with her soft toys at night. Who needs the Biennale when you can wake up... Continue Reading →

Luna Fark strikes again

Commencing an Alana-esque economy drive - ie one that doesn't involve any obvious downgrades to my lifestyle - I took the Sprogs to Luna Park/Fark yesterday with our yearly passes, parked in a school bus zone gratis, then enjoyed a free cafe lunch I won at the school fundraiser. Grand total expenditure, $4.50 (for the tip). Not bad huh? I looked pretty... Continue Reading →

The only way to travel

My mother reckons cruise ships are the only way to travel. I tried one recently, I wasn't totally sold. A little claustrophobic. Endless days trapped at sea, waiting for your next three-course meal to be served. But what's the alternative? Flying is awful, especially on long-distance jaunts to the United States or Europe. The dry air that makes your sinuses and... Continue Reading →

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